Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June is off to a good start...

I can not believe! Two front page in less than 24 hours!

With http://www.craftcult.com
you can see if you were in Front page,
and all new hearts ... is fantastic ...
I also like to check every day

to see how many treasury,
I have included, and the new treasure clock function,
you can see how many minutes or hours
of missing the opening treasury ...

Special thanks to Betsy and Fleurfatale
for these beautiful treasury,
went to the Front page!

And now I have 700 Hearts in my shop!
It means that 700 people love SumikoShop!
I am really happy, how is taking share my shop....
after many sacrifices, I am seeing the first results ...

...and another front page for me! But on Lollishops,
beautiful selection of blue!
Visit my shop here

and Wow I'm featured in this cute Blog !!


  1. Congrats on being featured on the front page! That's amazing :D
    It does seem like your off to a great start for June!
    Keep up the good work.

  2. That is fantastic -- congrats on the two front pages and blog exposure! I saw the front page with your red ring and it looked so pretty. Well done on all your hard work. :)



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