Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Etsy Blogger's Blog Carnival

I am a new member of Etsy bloggers team.
The Etsy Bloggers Blog Carnival is one of our super fun team events!!
The blog carnival is held bi-weekly.
This is my first post dedicated to this event ...

The Carnival theme for Etsy Bloggers is:
What made you open a shop on Etsy?
What do you like about being a seller on Etsy?
What don't you like?

I opened my Etsy shop to June 7, 2008.
I discovered etsy reading here and there in various blogs and social network ...
before Etsy, sell my creations on ebay, but as you know, ebay is more expensive, so I decided to try out etsy because I liked the idea of having a shop all my own, with my banners and especially also to sell ' Foreign ...
Etsy it is only for artists, instead on ebay, people go mainly to buy things used, and brand ...

I love Etsy, I like doing many treasury, participate in the team, and buy many things from other artists ...
I love the wonderful community of people that I have met through Etsy - some very nice and supportive people...

Thanks to etsy, I'm slowly learning the English, although I still have much difficulty in the pronunciation, but I'm putting the whole to become more good ....
But for me was and is still very difficult to get in and know me, from esty ...
There are many sellers and few buyers may ...
etsy is better known in Usa, so for me that I live in Italy I have more difficulty in selling ...
we must have patience, be aware, participate in forums, to the treasury, to do a lot of promotions and advertising ....
I spend many hours in front of the computer, I hope that one day all this work will have great results ...
In conclusion I love etsy and I hope that my shop one day bring his successful ...

*Visit Etsy Blogger Blog, this Mini monday is featured
The Copper Cauldron

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My treasury was in FRONT PAGE

23 February 2009

My Treasury "Turquoise and Red" was in FRONT PAGE !!

Is truly exciting when one of my treasury is chosen
and displayed in front page of Etsy ...
visit my shop, I added two new rings with the owl ....

Featured Sellers:
richardjohnson, briguysgirls, bubbletime,
Recession, thepebblecollection, Majestyinc,
Lockette, papermoth, fleurfatale,
summersville, Faeriedtreasures, allthenumbers.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Shop of the Week: Impawsible To Resist

Every week a new Etsy Twitter Team member's shop
is chosen as our "Shop of the Week".

Impawsible To Resist is a collective comprised of Maureen Blakeley,
her sister and her daughter, all three crafting together.

They make and sell arm warmers (fingerless mittens), socks, socks for diabetics,
doll clothes for 11 1/2 inch fashion dolls, and
Impawsible To Resist is based in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
They ship internationally.

SPECIAL for this week only:
All ACEOs are $1.00 off for the week. Buyers should send a message
to Impawsible To Resist to have the coupon applied.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Interview by Naan Pocen

Naan Pocen A FREELANCE FASHION DESIGNER AND A FREELANCE WRITER, wrote something to me in her blog ....
You can read my interview in her Blog : CREATIVE ART
and read her interesting personal blog here

When did you realize you are indeed an artist?
I have always had a passion to create, to recycle items, and to invent and process things from scratch. I don’t consciously think of myself as an artist BUT as a person who always loves to create and learn new techniques.

What led you to start expressing your artistic side?
After I became a mother, I used my free time to create jewellery and accessories for myself and my friends. That was also about the time that I discovered Etsy and the world of eShops

How did you decide what medium you wanted to work with?
I have always had a passion for sewing clothes for myself, but I also loved unique and original accessories, and I found such joy in creating them, or seeing people wear such.

How do you find your inspiration?
I spend countless hours searching for new materials and findings for my jewellery. It‘s inevitable to get an idea or inspiration after such intense consideration of materials. Sometimes just studying them creates images of the completed item in my mind.

How do you deal with people that don’t appreciate your art?
I get a balance from those that DO appreciate and buy my products so it very much compensates for the half that don‘t. Besides, I really don’t give it much though because everyone has their own tastes and I respect that.

Which other artist (s) do you admire? Why?
I really admire many artists, and every day I discover even more. For instance, a few days ago, I discovered Munieca http//, I like her paperdoll,, I like for her prints, and i love for her colorful and kawaii goodies.

What message, if any, do you want to convey with your art/craft?
I love life, beautiful things, colours, and I love laughter. I would love to convey all of these through my creations.

If you never become famous with your art would you still think it was a route worth taking?
Certainly. The joy of art is in its creation, its appreciation, its ability to enrich the mind. We must not think of art as a means for fame and wealth, but as a way of expression, to keep the mind active, and as the wholesome way to live fully, daily. If success and fame comes, then it comes as a surprise.

And folks, in her own words….a little bit more about our artist besides her art…..
My name is Evelyn, I’m 27 years old and the mother of a beautiful boy named Brian. I live in a tourist town by sea, in Italy. I am a SAHM and spend a lot of time with her son, which is why I can spare the time to create and experiment with new things. I am crazy about travelling and would gladly travel around the world. I love adventure and unspoiled places…. white beaches …the sun ... my dream would be to live somewhere warm all year round.

This week I'm featured in a Team Treasury
with my New Green Owl Ring

Thanks Etsy Twitter Team

Please click and comment before they expire!!
(Monday 10.17pm February 23)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Featured EtsyBlogger: Donna Pool

Our EtsyBloggers Feature for February is DonnaPool.
Donna has a great assortment of items in her Etsy Shop, and she makes the cutest buttons!
You can find many items from buttons, to photographs, to plush toys in her Etsy Store.

Visit the Etsy Blogger Street Team Blog
and the Flick group

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The PROXIMIDADE award was passed to me
Agape Bridal Creations

Proximidade is described as follows:
'This blog invests and believes in PROXIMITY -
nearness in space, time and relationships. These
blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind
bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are
not interested in prizes for self-aggrandizement!
Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes
are cut, even more friendships are propagated.
Please give more attention to these writers!'

This blog award should be sent to your favorite
six bloggers and they, in turn should forward
to eight of their favorites. You should include the
text for Proximidade (above) in your announcement

Here are the rules of this tag:
  • link to the person who tagged you,
  • post the rules on your blog,
  • write six random things about yourself,
  • tag six people at the end of your post and
    link to them,
  • let each person know they've been tagged.
So, I'm passing this award to the blogs:

La Pirillinca
Celeste Frittata
THe House of Mouse

6 random things about myself:

-mmmm... I can see where to start ....
That my name is Evelyn and I am a mother of a beautiful boy named Brian know already .... March 2 will be his second birthday .... soon,
I think I will do like last year, a celebration at home with all the friends and relatives, a giant cake and lots of good things and very caloric food .....

-guess where I met the first time my husband?
we met on holiday in Brazil, he was with his friends, and I with my friend .... it was perhaps destiny ....
I and my friend had to go on vacation in Miami, but there was the hurricane and then we had to change course and so we went to Natal, has been a wonderful adventure ... we come back again ... .

-I have lived up to my 24 years in Verona, a beautiful city, very romantic, know Romeo and Juliet ...
Then I met Andrew and I moved here in Milano Marittima ... we have a small house near the sea, I never had the sea so a short walk from home, too good in the summer ....
the only bad thing is that summer is full of people and you have to do to exit the queue in the car .... luckily not ever go out in the car ....

Years ago I liked to go to the disco, being in the midst of people, amid the confusion, the loud music ....
now I love very quiet, spend evenings with my son playing in the couch, go to sea with him .... spend hours alone in my corner to create jewelry .....

I'm already thinking about the next trip .....
I would like to visit the United States, but also the East .... I am very undecided .... I was in Brazil, the Netherlands Antilles (Caribbean), in Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands), Kenya, a Monaco di Baviera (Germany), Barcelona, London 4 times, and of course in various parts of Italy ...
I would like to visit Australia one day ....

I discovered a few months to make the pleasure craft markets, is very funny .... I like to set up the banquet, make it cozy, I love the colors ..... and then the contact with people ... soon there will be a little more heat, I believe that attending to a few hours .... marketplace is too cold, I do not feel like ...

I hope I didn't bore you! LOL! ... and apologize for the mistakes, I am not good with English ..... I decided that my blog must be in English so they can also read people all over the world ...

I'm looking foward to reading more about you.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Etsy Twitter Team Shop Of The Week

Maine Lee Crochet

Ginny, from Maine Lee Crochet,
has been in business on Etsy since March 2008.
She makes gorgeous all crochet or knit items.
Everything is handmade by her and ready to ship.
Some of her items include hats, socks, scarves,
dishcloths, and towels with crochet tops.

Stop by her shop for some good crocheted love!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lollishops All Dolled Up Party

Buon San Valentino a tutti!!
Inizia il blog party organizzato da Lollishops !!

Molti regali saranno offerti durante questo evento.
Potrai trovare un elenco di tutti i partecipanti venditori
sul Itty Bitty Birdie blog.
Qui ci sono le regole:
Visita ogni blog sulla Itty Bitty Birdie blog.
Trova la "All Dolled Up" su ogni immagine del blog.

In ogni immagine c'è qualcosa che il venditore ha nel suo Lollishop

( guardare il negozio per assicurarsi che hai trovato la cosa giusta).

Effettuare un commento sotto l'immagine a tema in ogni blog

e scrivere "Ho trovato!"
(assicuratevi che sappiamo chi sei nel caso in cui si vince).

Se vinci, devi dire quello che hai trovato e il venditore...

Oh, guarda il blog Lollishops c'è un dono cesto in palio
e anche una caccia al tesoro!

Visita il Lollishops gruppo di flickr per vedere tutte le foto
ed inizia la tua caccia al tesoro !!

This is a Valentine's Day progressive blog party featuring Lollishops vendors. Fabulous giveaways will be offered during this event. You will find a list of all the participating vendors on the Itty Bitty Birdie blog.
Here are the rules:
1. Visit each blog listed on the Itty Bitty Birdie blog.
2. Find the "All Dolled Up" picture on each blog.
In each vendor's picture is something from that vendor's Lollishop
(go ahead and look at the vendor's shop to make sure you found the right thing).
3. Make a comment under the doll-themed post at each blog saying "I found it!" (make sure we know who you are in case you win).
4. If you win, you must tell the vendor what it was that you found in their picture.
5. Oh, check out the Lollishops blog too--a gift basket is up for grabs
and a TREASURE HUNT too!

Visit the group lollishops to see all the photos in the pool
and start your treasure hunt!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Crafting in Colour Etsy Team: Keeping Etsy Colorful!

I'm happy to be just become a member
of Crafting in Colour Etsy Team

♥ Visit the team blog regularly to find the best colorful items....
for more information about our team, visit our network at
or search for "cic team" on Etsy and find bright & colorful items
by our team members!"

This is the Flickr Group

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm in Dawanda Front Page !!

Questa sera per puro caso mi sono accorta che ero in front page
di Dawanda United Kingdom,
con i miei orecchini slice cake...
una bella sorpresa,
è la prima volta che sono in front page su Dawanda...

This evening, by pure chance I noticed that I was in Front page on
Dawanda United Kingdom, with my slice cake earrings ...
a nice surprise, is the first time i'm in front page on Dawanda ...
Visit my Dawanda store !!


What's new, in my Lollishop ?

This week I added a beautiful Bagcharms,
red and gold, with cute charms and a large clasp,

so you can attach to your bag...
and a Love key Turquoise Bracelet
with a lovely key charm heart-shaped,
and a Turquoise Czech Glass Melon Beads...
These new items are
perfect for Valentine's Day or any day.

Throughout the Month of February 2009

FREE GIFT for every purchase
in my Lollishop !!


Monday, February 9, 2009

Shop of The Week: Tinker and Po

Every week a new Etsy Twitter Team member's shop
is chosen
as our "Shop of the Week".

Lisa Gergets, of Tinker and Po, creates the most wonderfully warm fingerless gloves/arm warmers and accessories that are made from felted and repurposed merino wool, angora, cashmere or lamb’s wool sweaters. She selects source materials for her fingerless gloves from used sweaters, which present endless possibilities in color, pattern and texture.

Friday, February 6, 2009

6th picture

Thanks Celeste Frittata for Tagging Me!!

This is the 6th picture on my 6th photo folder:

This photo I took on my trip to Kenya, you see the tent,
is where me and my boyfriend have spent three days in the savana,
among animals, specifically in the Tsavo East National park ...
a real adventure! !

The Rules:
Open the 6th picture folder on your computer, open the 6th photo and blog it. Write something about it. Then tag 6 more people to do the same!

My Tags:

Chelsea Ann
I gioielli di Manu
Le creazioni dello stregatto
The Vintage Closet
Linda b's blog

Lollishops MarketPlace

What can you find in Lollishops Marketplace?

These are just some things you can find on Lollishops ...
visit the site, there are many shops of different artists ...
you can see the list of stores on Vendor Directory
and to know promotions, giveaway and Lollishops updates
see a Lolli-Bulletins

1. Pink Valentine Pouch w/vintage brooch, 2. choccookies, 3. Calico Cat Heart Pillow, 4. Sea Foam Droplets Earrings, 5. Turquoise Trinkets Bracelet, 6. The Old Miss, 7. sweet pink and happy giraffes dress, 8. A sweet little gift, 9. I am the luckiest girl!, 10. Spring Chicks ~ Keepsake Cakes, 11. Vintage Style Valentines for Lollishops, 12. Handmade Paper Flowers, 13. 1209 093, 14. Thanks You Bird Gift Tags (2), 15. Milk Rose, 16. Bunny Boy, 17. Valentines Conversation Heart Rings, 18. Pink Bling Ring II ~ Lollishop Giveaway, 19. Easter bunny detail, 20. Heart & Rose Resin Bobbi Pins, 21. Vintage Valentine Ready Set Solder Kit, 22. Valentine's Day Cupcakes mini plaque, 23. Red rose Gold bracelet, 24. Baby Pink & Red Valentine Betsy, 25. Fleur De Lis Gift Tags

Visit my shop

and partecipate to Win a Gift Certificate for $ 15,00
to spend in my Lollishop !!
click here

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Treasury that featured me!!

I'm featured in this beautiful Treasury
made by The Vintage Closet !!

Thanks Rebecca, I really appreciate !!

My Black Owl Ring featured on the treasury !!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Etsy Twitter Team Shop Of The Week

I'm really happy, I'm a new member of Etsy Twitter Team !!

Every week a new Etsy Twitter Team member's shop is chosen
as our "Shop of the Week".

This week's featured shop is Beautiful Bridget!
Beautiful crocheted scarves, hats and more..... visit her shop!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I am really happy to be included in the images,
"Hot Trends" of Dawanda ...
and "La vie est Multicolore" of Dawanda France !

Visit my Shop
There are many new products, and many are Free Shipping!!


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