Thursday, August 12, 2010

Vintage Outfit

  • Chloe Earrings - White and Smoky Quartz by me
  • 1970's stacked black heels and polka dot ruffle blouse by Thrush

Have you ever tried an old shirt of your mom? or a pair of fantastic shoes? when I flip through old photo album, I like to see, as my mum was dressed, I always say: 'wow Mom, what beautiful shoes that you had "!
Many times I've turned old jeans into skirts or something else, and now I love to gather and collect all the old buttons, which are in the attic or between the dresses, of my mother or grandmother ....
I'd love to see some vintage market in some cities, but I don't know where, you know some nice vintage market?


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! My mom kept a bunch of clothes around from the 60's in our basement when I was a kid. I used to love playing dress up!!



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