Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lovely Clusters Fall Catalog 2010

I'm so excited to show you three pages of the new catalog, of Lovely Clusters! I show you only the three colors, which I am Featured: Brown, Teal and green! My exposure at the site continues for another month, see my shop here.

To see the new Fall 2010 Catalog please click HERE>>


Saturday, September 18, 2010

New in the shop

These are just some items that I added this week on Etsy. There are many new ones, see for yourself! I also have an announcement:

★★★ I'm gonna reach my 500th sale, so to celebrate, I decided to make a beautifully wrapped gift to my next customer! ★★★

Have fun!


Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Creative Space

In these photos, I did not showed the latest cabochons that I received, are a wonder! I have not tried them, so I will not reveal anything yet. I'm investing much time in making hair accessories, I want to do them in different sizes and different style, so I can not wait to go buy more supplies! I can not reveal the procedure, to make them, but I'm happy to show you some pictures of the material I use.

Friday, September 3, 2010

gift wrap .....

I made some photos of a wrapped package ready to ship... I'm lucky that my items, wrapped with colored tissue paper first become very small, even though the parcel may seem really close, inside there is room for more than one product, in this way are not bulky, so shipping costs are cheaper. Then I wrap it with bubbles paper, to make it strong and ready for a long trip...
This beginning of September, started very well, and I'm very creative in this period!

I want to remind you that this week, there's my giveaway in "Oh, Hello Friend" BLog, and you can win a $ 40 gift certificate to spend in my etsy shop. hurry up!


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