Sunday, September 20, 2009

A day outside

A day at the wildlife park with my son !!

He loves animals, gets excited when he sees a white cow LOL
in the natural park near my house (Cervia), there are various animals, horses, deer, goats, rabbits and lots of space to make the picnic or for several adventure games ...
is a way to be with my family, and to leave my son who loves to run free in large spaces ...

Sometimes, out in the open, even just for a walk, is relaxing ...
spending long hours at my desk and the computer makes me miss some beautiful days where I could go to the beach with my son or go out and get some air ...

try to keep your shop running, it is hard work, perhaps more than 8 hours work, so you need to move from computer to create and then again to the computer to insert what you did ...
and all this makes you feel close to home, weakens eyesight, neglect your family and work nights and holidays ...
but it gives you a great satisfaction when your things done with love, are sold ...
I think that every craft, agrees with me
working hours do not count on ever getting value
because otherwise, something made by hand would cost a madness
but we do with so much love for us to know that someone is wearing something that you did has perhaps more valuable than money ...
behold, this was a parenthesis, of my thoughts...

Published in blog carnival

Host Memories for Life Scrapbooks


  1. That is so beautifully worded and I completely agree. You have such a sweet little boy :)

  2. ma che belli che siete!strano non esserci incrociate,io e il nano malefico ci andiamo 4 pomeriggi su 7.gli piace da matti!

  3. Ciao!!
    Belle foto e bel post!!
    Magari cominciassi a vendere! Purtroppo da tre settimane non sono riuscita a creare niente di nuovo! Quindi il mio Etsy e' bloccato. Che stress.
    Mi piace il tuo stile, bei gioielli!

  4. Ahh il tuo bimbo e' un bambolotto!
    Ne ho uno anche io della stessa misura.

  5. Nice to meet you! Always nice to get outside and enjoy the air.



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