Saturday, November 22, 2008

Own The Hour!!! And two featurings in Etsy Treasury

Yesterday, thanks to Petite Fraise (great blog, great blogger and great artist! Go visit her!), I found out a new way to advertise my Etsy shop and my creations: Own The Hour! It is an independent Etsy promotion.
On the "About/F.A.Q." page you can read this: "Etsy sellers can advertise their product on our exclusive 12 item front page for just $0.50 cents per hour. They select the hours, and we do the rest! Etsy buyers, or those looking for great unique gifts, handmade crafts, and amazing pieces of art can stop buy each hour to see items that an Etsy seller has highlighted. [...] is not affiliated with Etsy, Inc., OwnTheHour is an independent promotional site."
This is a great thing!
You'll This is just a try, I hope I'll have some good results!
I hope that you, Etsy sellers who are reading, will speak about it on your blogs!
Promote Own The Hour!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Treasury that included me!!!!


I am very happy to say....
included me in a Beautiful Treasury!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

My 1° Treasury

My First Treasury

I am happy today, I managed to make my first treasury !!
***I love Etsy***

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Una Grande Fiera del Natale!!

*Natale in Fiera*

Vieni anche tu rimarrai meravigliato.
Ti aspettano più di 300 espositori da tutta Italia e dall'estero,
ma sopratutto vi aspetto io con il mio Stand!!
28-29-30 Novembre 2008
presso quartiere Fieristico di FORLì
orari: venerdì dalle 17.00 alle 22.00
sabato e domenica dalle 10.00 alle 20.00
per info:


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